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《可爱小巴士Tayo the Little Bus》是一部韩国制作的小车类儿童动画。对于男孩子来说,小车车的动画片简直是一种吸引力。
主角Tayo是一辆刚开始在一个繁忙城市学习自己驾驶路线的小巴士,而节目就让大家体验小巴士的刺激旅程!小巴士将与交游广阔的绿巴士 Rogy 及精伶活泼的黄巴士 Lani 等色彩缤纷纷的主角一起,透过 Tayo 的日常体验,带出具教育意义的信息。
可爱小巴士Tayo the Little Bus第三季全26集,英语发音无字幕。mp4格式,分辨率:1280x720,高清720P。相对于前二季而言,清晰度呈现本质区别。建议选择本高清下载观看。每集11分钟。
Tayo S3 EP01 The new friend, Heart l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP02 We are a family l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP03 Rogi the Sweeper l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP04 I know it all l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP05 A school day l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP06 Cheer up Frank l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP07 A weekend with Citu l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP08 Tayo's promise l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP09 Gani the super star l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP10 Toto and Bongbong l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP11 Laugh, Pat l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP12 We are the best with each other l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP13 Cooku & Champ's trip to the city l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP14 I can't sleep l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP15 I want to be your friend l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP16 City heroes, Tayo and Duri l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP17 We are the heavy-duty circus l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP18 The best mechanic l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP19 I want a puppy l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP20 Ask Met anything l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP21 Poco's Flower l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP22 Tayo's Christmas l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP23 Earth Defense Plan 1 l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP24 Tayo's Earth Defense Plan 2 l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP25 Somebody Help Us l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4
Tayo S3 EP26 Little Buses Sports Day l Tayo the Little Bus.mp4