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这是套2010年获奖的美国小学数学教材.而且是最新的版本。由Houghton MifflinHarcourt出版,
HOughton MifflinHarcourt是全球第三大教育出版公司。
Global educationleader Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's (HMH) GOMath! program was honored recently as oneof DistrictAdministration's Top 100 Products of2010. The magazine's readership, primarily teachers andadministrators, chose the instructional products they felt improvedtheir students' performance during a financially difficult schoolyear. With its focused, scaffolded approach, GO Math! iseconomical, innovative and streamlined, all important qualities toeducators today.
资源下载信息 https://pan.baidu.com/s/17wxASBeBfPhWGKIcp6t06w