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儿童性教育 . 印刷超百万的一本好书!
儿童性教育 原版书 印刷超百万的一本好书!
原书名:《Let's talk about sex》新书名:《It's Perfectly Normal》
"Let's Talk About Sex" gives the facts - both biological and psychological about sex - from conception and puberty to birth control and AIDS, including sections on the body, families and babies, and sexual health. The book's serious and educational matter is presented in a readable form, with cartoon illustrations and the speech-bubble comments of two characters, a curious bird and a squeamish bee, which reflect the diverse feelings children have about sex. The book aims to provide honest and lucid answers to the questions that children really ask.
The book is divided into six sections, plus an introductory section entitled ‘Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex andSexual Health’.
? Part 1 – What is Sex?: Includes information about sex and gender, sexual reproduction, sexualdesire, sexual intercourse, hetero and homosexuality
? Part 2 – Our Bodies: Includes information about the human body, the female and male sexualorgans and the language we use to talk about bodies and sex
? Part 3 – Puberty: Includes information about puberty and hormones, female and male puberty,growing and changing bodies, taking care of your body, new and changing feelings andmasturbation
? Part 4 – Families and Babies: Includes information about taking care of babies and children, genesand chromosomes, cuddling, kissing, touching and sexual intercourse, pregnancy and birth andother ways of having a baby and/or a family
? Part 5 – Decisions: Includes information about when young people may feel able and responsibleenough to have sex, abstinence and contraception.
? Part 6 – Staying Healthy: Includes information about sexual abuse and talking about it, sexuallytransmitted diseases, HIV and Aids, getting information and staying safe on the Internet andmaking responsible choices
资源下载信息 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1p41Wl8UBB4qvOmZGgnAgNA